Much requested juice recipe is here. This is the juice that I bring along with me on long run days. By long I mean 8+ miles at a time. When I see other runners sipping fluorescent drinks and sucking on gross gel packs I am always happy I have my juice with me. It really does keep me going and going and going.
The recipe here is a standard that I use but it is very flexible and feel free to adjust to your own liking. The options are truly endless.
1/2 bunch celery
1 apple
1 young coconut
1 small bunch parsley
(organic, by the way)
You will also need a food processor (or vitamix) and two paint strainer bags. As you can see mine are heavily used.
Place veggies in food processor
Blend blend blend
Now the coconut
With a serrated knife shave top layer of coconut until you reach inner shell
Here is the shell
Now just dig your knife into the shell and lift
I poured the water into another container and then into the food processor and blended some more.
Place bags in a bowl like this
Now put mush inside
and strain as much as you can.
I use two bags because I like my juice to be clear of pulp so if the first bag misses something the second bag will get it. This is a matter of preference.
Here you go.
Please adjust to suit your own taste. This really works for me. you can dilute the flavor more by adding cucumber, or make it sweeter by adding more apple, or if you hate parsley just use spinach. I promise you won't even know it's there (except for the green).
Why did I make this juice? Well, I can't buy it and it's much better than anything on the market.
- Coconut water is the highest source of electrolytes in nature
- Celery is loaded with natural sodium
- Apple supplies natural sugars to fuel your run
- Parsley has chlorophyll that will neutralize the acid build up caused by prolonged exertion and iron which aids in proper oxygen transport and red blood cell regeneration.
Hope all is well w/ you and I was glad to see another post!
I love to run. It's my meditation time and it keeps me sane specially after chasing my kids around all day.
Hey, maybe we could go down to the trails one day and run.